Born a “Jersey Girl,” I moved to Central Florida in 2003. Growing up, sports and a competitive nature were always a part of my life. Later, I attended Florida Atlantic University and earned a degree in Elementary Education. There I was an active member of my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta. Through this experience, I gained crucial leadership skills and had many philanthropic opportunities working with Autism Speaks. Following graduation, I returned home to Saint Cloud and began a career as a teacher at a local elementary school.

Though I was always active in sports, I was never one to enjoy a typical gym. I decided to brave giving Functional Fitness a try while on Spring Break in 2015 (to say I was nervous would be an understatement). However, shortly after joining Soldier City Fitness, I participated in my first competition. Since then, the coaches and members of SCF have truly become like family (they even got me to do burpees in my wedding dress). Now, as a coach at the very box I began my journey, I am stronger and happier than ever before. So, no matter where you are on this journey, take chances, make mistakes, try hard every day, and never EVER let fear stand in the way of your greatness.